Designed for soft tissue remodeling

Today, TIGR Matrix finds use in many surgical applications, e.g. breast reconstruction and abdominal wall reinforcement.

The mesh is designed to adapt to the different wound-healing phases, resulting in a natural transfer of dynamic loads from the mesh to the tissue over time.

The ideal matrix for Breast Reconstruction with implant.


Dynamic reconstruction with TIGR Matrix the world’s first long-term resorbable surgical mesh.

Explore more about TIGR Matrix

Biological or synthetic mesh in breast reconstruction – what’s the difference?

The body reacts differently to different materials. In a recent randomized controlled study, TIGR Matrix was compared to an acellular dermal matrix (ADM) in implant-based immediate breast reconstruction. Read the full text article here:

What are the advantages of pre-pectoral implant breast reconstruction?

Implant based breast reconstruction is the method of choice in more than 80% of patients after conservative mastectomy. This study in 200 breasts describes pre-pectoral placement of implants with complete coverage using fully synthetic TIGR Matrix or an acellular dermal matrix (ADM) of porcine origin:


Nipple-sparing mastectomy + Immediate implant reconstruction + TIGR Matrix = True

Nipple-sparing mastectomy with immediate breast reconstruction is increasing in popularity. TIGR Matrix is a valuable option in the submuscular setting when extra coverage of the lower and lateral pole is needed. Read about the outcomes from 164 breast reconstructions here:

Is resorbable synthetic mesh a viable alternative to acellular dermal matrices?

In implant-based breast reconstruction, complete implant coverage has been the main target of surgeons in order to reduce the risk of implant exposure. This study investigated the use of TIGR Matrix as a value-providing option to ADM’s:


“Today we’re helping a 35-year-old woman with diastasis and upper abdominal wall insufficiency after previous abdominoplasties.” Dr Andreas Lindahl, Plastic Surgeon, Caroviva Clinic, SWEDEN